How Much Does Tire Rotation Cost, and Is It Necessary?

By Shawn Longmore â€¢  Updated: 01/11/23 â€¢  9 min read
cost for tire rotation

Tire Rotation Service

Just like replacing the windshield to keep your car safe, it’s also recommended to rotate and change out the tires as needed. If your vehicle vibrates and shakes when you’re driving, it could be time for a tire rotation.

In this article, I’ll explain why regular tire maintenance is necessary, how often it’s needed, and the average cost. I’ll also describe the different types of services available so that you can decide which option is best for your vehicle.

Is Rotation Necessary

Regular tire rotations are an essential service for cars because it helps protect them from uneven wear and tear. Not only does tire rotation improve your car’s performance, but it also extends your tires’ life and saves you money in the long run.

How Often Should You Rotate

To prevent tire performance issues, they should be rotated every 5,000 – 7,500 miles or about six months to ensure their longevity and even wear. Rotating helps maintain the vehicle’s handling and extends the tread life by helping them wear evenly.

When the tread gets worn out in one particular area, it can create unevenness in your steering and braking, leading to degraded performance on wet or icy roads.

How Long Will Tires Last If Not Rotated

The lifespan of tires without regular rotation will depend on their construction, tread pattern, road conditions, climate, and how they are used. Tread patterns determine the amount of pressure placed on each part of the tire when used, while road conditions and environments cause wear from waves, bumps, and constant heat or cold. Tire usage also plays a role in determining longevity, as aggressive driving increases tire wear considerably.

When predicting how long a set of tires will last without regular rotations, most manufacturers estimate 30-50% less life than those rotated every six months or between 5,000-7,500 miles. Of course, the exact time frame can vary due to the factors mentioned earlier. Still, if neglected for too long, tires could crack or blow out entirely before their estimated lifespan is up.

What is the approximate time needed to rotate the tires?

In most cases, a technician will only take about 20 minutes to complete the rotation process, which includes removing and reinstalling the wheels and balancing them afterward.

A good rule of thumb is to check with your mechanic before having any work done on your vehicle; they will be able to advise you how long it will take for them to rotate your tires properly.

What Is The Average Cost Of Rotating Tires

On average, proper tire rotation typically costs between $30 and $50, depending on the service center you visit and the type of car you drive. However, the exact cost of tire rotation may vary depending on whether it’s just a simple rotation or a more intensive service such as balancing or aligning the wheels. In addition, some additional services may require a higher fee than others.

Tire Rotation Pattern

The particular pattern a mechanic follows during tire rotation will vary depending on the type of car.

There are three ways to rotate your tires.

The correct tire rotation pattern ensures maximum tire life by preventing excessive wear throughout the overall lifespan of each tire. While some cars require a specific tire rotation pattern, many now operate with symmetrical wheels that can be rotated freely following either of these patterns.

What Is The Best Tire Rotation Pattern

The most common rotation pattern is a “rearward cross,” where the rear wheels are moved forward, and the front wheels are moved backward.

This movement promotes symmetrical tread wear and ensures even wear over time. It also helps preserve tire life by ensuring one tire does not become excessively worn down before its counterparts.

Another popular rotation pattern is the “digon” pattern, where the right rear wheel is swapped with the left front, and so on. This type of alternating movement creates even wear differently than the rearward cross and may be more suitable for certain types of vehicles.

Whichever pattern is used, make sure it follows whatever instructions your car manufacturer recommends when it comes to performing rotations. However, performing rotations other than those listed in the owner’s manual shouldn’t affect your driving performance.

Is It Better To Cross-Rotate

With cross-rotation, you’re essentially switching one tire’s camber, toe angle, and tread direction with another’s. By rotating your tires this way, it’s possible they will last 25% longer than if you left them in their original positions on the car. This can significantly reduce the overall associated maintenance costs for your vehicle.

Is The Tire Rotation Pattern Different For AWD Cars and SUVs

The rotation pattern for All Wheel Drive (AWD) Vehicles differs from the standard pattern used for cars and lighter-duty SUVs. This is because of the added spin characteristics in AWD vehicles, which require all four wheels to be equally balanced to ensure maximum traction in any environment.

When rotating tires on an AWD vehicle, it’s essential to use a “criss-cross” method rather than simply switching the positions of the front and rear wheels. This means that each tire will move between both sides of the vehicle and diagonally across.

Tips To Extend Tread Life

  • Avoid taking off quickly.
  • Avoid breaking or stopping quickly.
  • Avoid carrying heavy loads for long periods of time.
  • Avoid towing heavy items.
  • Maintain good shocks and struts.
  • Maintain proper air pressure.
  • Maintain proper tire balance and alignment.
  • Rotate your tires every other oil change if you use regular oil.
  • Rotate your tires every oil change if you use synthetic oil.
tire tread

These tips and suggestions for tire rotation and longevity are great. Still, the best method for maintaining your tires and safety would be to follow the recommended tire pressure and rotation service in your owner’s manual.

Key Takeaways & Conclusion

In conclusion, regularly rotating your car tires for maximum durability and performance is essential. In addition, the regular rotation will ensure that your tires wear evenly and last longer, saving you money in the long run.

So give your tires some love and rotate them every six months or 5k-7.5k miles, whichever comes first. Not only will this mean better use of your tire budget but also safer roads for everyone!

Shawn Longmore

Shawn Longmore has been a part of the auto glass industry for over 20 years and is the founder of Auto Glass Locator. With years of hands-on experience replacing and repairing auto glass, he offers valuable insights into the world of windshield replacements. Each year he continues to help more people find great deals on auto glass and other automotive services.

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