What to do when car brakes squeak! 2 signs there’s a problem.

By Shawn Longmore â€¢  Updated: 07/15/21 â€¢  5 min read
signs of bad brakes

When car brakes squeak

When car brakes squeak, the first thing to do is to find out the root cause. Some cars squeak from time to time when using the brakes, but this doesn’t mean the brake is bad. It’s just one of those noises that happen sometimes. This sound can happen on the front or back brakes and it can come from either side of the vehicle. The first thing that you should do is check them to see if the pads need to be replaced or if there is something dragging on the brake rotor. If this squeaking noise continues, then you should take your vehicle to a mechanic for him or her to check it out.

What are signs the brakes are going bad?

One good way to tell if they’re going bad is to listen carefully when you apply the brakes. If they make metal grinding or squealing sounds at slower speeds or as you release the pedal slowly, it’s a high possibility they need to be replaced. As a general rule, you should not hear these types of sounds while braking. When they are worn out, it’s hard for them to create enough friction with the rotors or drums in order to slow down and stop the car.

bad Audi rotor

Will I need new rotors when the brakes are changed?

If you wait too long to replace the brake shoes, they may have damaged the rotors. When this happens, you’ll need to replace both the pads and rotors at the same time. However, some shops can turn or smooth a bad rotor which can be less than the cost of a new one. Check and see if your mechanic offers this service before you give them your vehicle for a new brake job.

turning and smoothing a rotor

What is the best type of brakes to use on my car?

The kind of brakes you should use on your car depends on what brand it is, as well as how much money you want to spend. If your car has high-end rotors and calipers, it’s worth replacing them with higher-end brakes. However, if you are on a budget and don’t mind going through pads faster than usual, then you can get cheaper brakes.

red sports car with orange caliper

How are brake pads made?

A brake shoe can be made of copper material, but in most cases, they are made with a mix of asbestos and steel fibers. Brake pads can get up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit when the vehicle is at full speed or while the brakes are applied. Copper does not handle high temperatures very well and could completely melt under these conditions which is why they’re typically coated with asbestos too.

Do some brake pads last longer than others?

Not really. The amount of time they will last is entirely dependent upon how much driving you do. If you drive a lot, they’ll wear faster than someone who drives less. It’s also important to think about the kind of driving you do as well. If you tend to make quick stops at lights that require hard braking then you’ll burn through brakes faster than someone who drives slower with longer intervals between braking.

How many miles do car brakes last?

Similar to the previous question, this will be based on how a person drives along with how many miles are driven in an average day. There is no definite number of miles that car brakes will last, but it’s estimated to be anywhere from 15k to 30k miles. You should be able to get most vehicles down the road this long without having any problems with your brake pads.

How much to fix car brakes?

The average cost to have someone replace the brakes on a regular vehicle will be somewhere between $150 and $300. However, if you drive an SUV or supercar that requires larger rims and rotors, the cost could get higher because of all the extra parts needed to complete this job.

What is the best place to have brakes replaced?

There are many auto shops that offer this service and the pricing will vary widely depending on where you go. When you are comparing prices, it’s a good idea to make sure you know what kind of labor costs are associated with them so that there aren’t any hidden fees. Also, remember to ask if they can turn each rotor at the same time as well since this can save you more money.

Are brakes easy to change?

For the most part, they’re pretty easy. However, watching a YouTube video on how to change them doesn’t always provide all the steps needed. If you’re not mechanically inclined, I would recommend having a professional mechanic do the work.

It’s important to keep in mind that brake pads are not terribly expensive, so you should be okay if you need to replace them. The most important thing is to make sure they’re changed before it gets dangerous. Hearing a squeal or grinding sound while driving or stopping is not common and is a good indicator they simply need a repair and should be checked.

Shawn Longmore

Shawn Longmore has been a part of the auto glass industry for over 20 years and is the founder of Auto Glass Locator. With years of hands-on experience replacing and repairing auto glass, he offers valuable insights into the world of windshield replacements. Each year he continues to help more people find great deals on auto glass and other automotive services.

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