How to Read Tire Size and Pick The Best Tires

By Shawn Longmore â€¢  Updated: 10/28/21 â€¢  7 min read
Tire size on sidewall

This article will discuss how to read tire size, find it, and more information on which type is best for your vehicle.

Provided that you have a car, it is likely that you will need auto glass repairs, engine repairs, and this information at some point in your life. There are several types of tires, and picking the correct one is essential. Some are designed for speed, others for comfort, and some are even designed for off-road use. But what are the right ones for your vehicle?

Where do I find the size?

tire size on door jam

There are a few places to locate the size. If you still have stock wheels on your car, the size can be found inside the driver-side door jam and possibly in the glove box. But suppose you’ve modified your vehicle and added bigger rims. In that case, you’ll want to check the sidewall to ensure you’re getting the correct size tires for your rims. The inside door jam will also provide the correct tire pressure for the stock tires.

How To Read The Size

tire size diagram

There are two types of sizes: nominal and metric. Nominal is based on the width of the rim, and metric tire size is based on wheel diameter. In addition, there’s a series of letters and numbers on the sidewall, which are simply codes that denote the following.

  1. Tire speed rating
  2. Load index
  3. Aspect ratio
  4. Rim size
  5. Section Width
  6. Radial construction

What do the letters mean?

Yokohama DOT on Sidewall

The letters let you know the class, construction, speed rating, and load range. The Department of Transportation (DOT) mandates additional letters, but they’re not related to picking out tires.

Example: 235 / 45 R17 97 W is on my Volvo. European tires will not include the prefix, so there’s no number at the beginning but let’s look at the R and W.

Other Letters:

What do the numbers mean?

The numbers on the sidewall indicate load capacity. They also let you know the proper inflation amount. Since inflating your tires too much could become unsafe.

Let’s use the example from my Volvo tires above to understand what the numbers mean in 235 / 45 R17 97 W.

What is the maximum speed rating by letter?

The last letter indicates the maximum speed ratings. For example, our speed rating would be the “W” in 235 / 45 R17 97 W. The higher in the alphabet, the faster the tires can go. For instance, T-rated tires have a top speed of 118 mph, while W-rated tires can go up to 168 mph. Most sports cars will have H, V, W, or Y, indicating speeds from 130 mph to 186 mph.

Additional letters found on the sidewall and their meaning

As mentioned above, other letters such as DOT have three separate groups of numbers following them. Each group of numbers and letters indicates something different.

Safety Organizations

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) established the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and The Uniform Tire Quality Grading (UTQG) code. The UTQG tests the following safety items.

Resources– The tire experts at this site have a couple of really nice charts on tire size and an excellent chart for tire load. The tire size chart will show you how to read dimensions by wheel size, and the load index chart will help you quickly find the load rating.

In conclusion, there are many factors when choosing the perfect tires for your vehicle. So it’s always a wise decision to consult a specialist to ensure you’ve made the right choice.

Shawn Longmore

Shawn Longmore has been a part of the auto glass industry for over 20 years and is the founder of Auto Glass Locator. With years of hands-on experience replacing and repairing auto glass, he offers valuable insights into the world of windshield replacements. Each year he continues to help more people find great deals on auto glass and other automotive services.

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