Scratched Windshield Repair: A Really Simple and Helpful 7 Step Process!

By Shawn Longmore â€¢  Updated: 03/09/22 â€¢  6 min read
scratched windshield repair

Scratched Windshield Repair

From my experience, I’ve listed some of the best scratched windshield repair methods using products readily available in most homes. These should help you efficiently perform a scratched windshield repair on most minor scratches! However, you may need a replacement depending on how deep the scratches are in the glass.

We’ll cover an easy groove test later that I use to help determine if an entire windshield replacement is needed. After reading this article, you’ll understand which deep scratches aren’t repairable and effectively understand how to remove light scratches.

How did your automotive glass get scratched?

The front windshields on a car are rugged and designed to protect you and your family from outside debris while driving. So how does a tough windshield end up having minor scratches? Below are some everyday things that could ultimately scratch the windshield.

Tips to Avoid a Damaged Windshield

Tip 1 – Stay about 15 feet back from the vehicle in front of you to prevent rocks from hitting the glass when they fly off the car’s tire in front of you. The closer you get, the greater the chance it will happen again.

Tip 2 – Keep a soft cloth or clean rag inside the car. Use the cloth to wipe off dirt and other debris that may cause scratches if not removed.

Tip 3 – Check under the wiper arm and remove small debris that could scratch the glass.

The Nail Test!

Depending on the severity, sometimes the scratches are too deep and require a shop owner with special tools to complete the repair. If you can run the back of your fingernail across the scratch and feel deep grooves, then it’s probably time to contact a professional. A windshield chip repair technician will have the required tools for removing deep windshield scratches and minor chips or cracks.

Let’s Recap

Repairing minor windshield scratches is not that hard, but you need to have the right equipment and know-how to use it. Let’s recap!

Let’s Talk

If further assistance is needed, we’re always happy to help and would love to hear from you. So call now to speak with one of our friendly auto glass experts if your damaged windshield has more than a few minor scratches.

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Shawn Longmore

Shawn Longmore has been a part of the auto glass industry for over 20 years and is the founder of Auto Glass Locator. With years of hands-on experience replacing and repairing auto glass, he offers valuable insights into the world of windshield replacements. Each year he continues to help more people find great deals on auto glass and other automotive services.

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